Back of my neck is swollen – FAQs

So, why is the back of my neck swollen?

Your posterior cervical lymph nodes are located near the back of your neck. Several things can cause a swollen posterior cervical lymph node, but the most common cause is a viral infection, such as a cold or the flu.

Common causes of swollen lymph nodes include: strep throat, ear infections, abscessed teeth, and skin wounds or infections.

A few additional symptoms you may experience include:

▪ Tenderness & pain in the lymph node

▪ Runny nose, sore throat, and other symptoms of an upper respiratory infection

▪ Fever

▪ Chills

▪ Night sweats

▪ Multiple swollen lymph nodes throughout your body

Health tips:

1. You can try ice packs, baking soda baths, and fever-reducing medication

2. You can apply a warm, wet compress, such as a washcloth dipped in hot water, and hold it on the affected area.

3. Antibiotic medications prescribed by your ENT doctor can help the lumps heal, if your skin lump is caused by an infection or abscess.

Red flag signs:

1. Swelling persisting for more than a wee

2. Increase un size of swelling

3. Associated with pain

4. Associated with fever, night sweats, or unexplained weight loss


An ENT doctor will examine the swelling, look for similar swelling in other parts of the body, and advise an endoscopy to rule out infection. You may also be advised to take a CT scan to rule out the possibility of tumor growth.

The treatment will be tailored according to the cause of swelling, and surgical removal of swelling is mandatory in cases of head and neck tumors.

- Dr. Prashanth R Reddy
“E.N.T. health - ENTry for better senses”

Health tips:
