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December 9, 2022

Vertigo What is vertigo? Vertigo is not a disease; it’s a symptom/ manifestation of any disease. Vertigo is a sensation in which the person feels as though the world is spinning around them or that they are spinning around in space. Vertigo happens when the balance between the sensory systems is lost What are the types of vertigo? 1. Rotational Vertigo – True rotational vertigo is the feeling…

My child has put something inside of his/her ear. – FAQs

December 9, 2022

My child has put something inside of his/her ear. – FAQs So, what do I do now, my child has put something in his/her ear. Parents may not worry since getting an object stuck in the ear is relatively a common problem, especially in children or toddlers. The vast majority of items are lodged in the ear canal, which is the small channel that ends at the eardrum.…

Migraine like Sinus Headaches

December 9, 2022

Migraine-like Headache: Permanent Cure through Surgery Migraine and Migraine like sinus headaches What is a migraine? A migraine is not just a headache. To sense our world, your nerves send electrical signals to and from your spinal cord and brain. Sensors throughout our body collect information about our surroundings. This information is sent as signals to our brain through a series of nerve cells. Communication with our brain…
