Ear pain

A quick guide for understanding ear pain

Ear pain is medically known as otalgia. Ear pain may arise from any complaints in the ear or can secondarily be due to other conditions(Referred otalgia)

The direct causes of ear pain can be

1. Injury or laceration of the pinna

2. Infection of the cartilage of the pinna( Perichondritis)

3. Injury to the external ear canal(otitis externa)

4. Infection to the middle ear ( Otitis media)

5. Impacted wax

6. Otic barotrauma ( injury due to pressure changes )

7. Infection in the temporal bone( Mastoiditis)

8. Tumors of the ear

The secondary causes ( Referred otalgia )

1. Dental caries and impacted molar teeth

2. Jaw disorders and jaw joint arthritis

3. Elongated styloid bone ( styalgia)

4. Tonsillitis

5. Pharyngeal infection /tumors

6. Herpes zoster infection

Ear pain due to mastoiditis ( Infection of ear bone)

Mastoiditis is a bacterial infection that affects the mastoid bone behind and under the ear. It is common in children. Most people recover quickly with no complications as long as the condition is diagnosed and treated quickly.

Ear infections, and particularly middle ear infections, are the most common cause of mastoiditis. The bacteria responsible could spread without effective treatment. This may happen if a person stops the course of treatment before it is complete or if the bacteria are resistant to the prescribed antibiotics.

An abnormal growth of skin cells in the middle ear, called a cholesteatoma, can also cause a blockage that allows bacteria to multiply and leads to mastoiditis.

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Note: This condition is rare and can be life threatening without proper treatment.

Symptoms of Mastoiditis include:

▪ Throbbing or burning pain in or around the ear

▪ Pus or other fluids coming from the ear

▪ Fever or chills

▪ Swelling behind or under the ear

▪ Redness behind the ear

▪ Bad smell coming from the ear

▪ Ear appearing to stick out more or be pushed forward

▪ Difficulty hearing

▪ Ringing in the ears

▪ Mood changes

▪ Pulling on their ears (especially in children)

Please note:If these treatments do not work, your ENT doctor may recommend surgery to prevent further complications.

What are the triggers for ear pain?

Using earbuds, probing the ear, Acute ear infections and untreated tooth infections are the primary triggers for exaggerated ear pain

Treatment for ear pain:

Treatment of ear pain depends on the causative factor. Visit your ENT doctor to identify the cause and start the treatment

Ear infections often clear up on their own. Treatment may begin with managing pain and monitoring the problem. Usually, antibiotics (orally and topically) are used to clear the infection.

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Home remedies at the time of pain are

✔ An ice pack or warm compress Soak a washcloth in either ice water or warm water, wring it out, and then put it over the ear that's bothering you.

✔ A heating pad: Lay your painful ear on a warm, not hot, heating pad.

How can an ENT doctor help you?

ENT doctors deal with the senses that help you work very efficiently. Earlier screening and detection of ENT disorders can help you avoid permanent health issues.

Visit your ENT doctor if you have signs of possible problems such as redness of the ear canal, swelling of your outer ear, fever, ear pain, blockage of your ear canal, draining fluids and discharge of pus, severe

pain that might radiate to your face, neck, or side of your head, and swelling in the lymph nodes in your neck.

If an earache is accompanied by dizziness, a serious headache, swelling around the ear, or a dropping of the facial muscles on one side of the face, then it may be time to seek medical treatment. A persistent fever of 104ºF (40 ºC) or higher in children is a clear sign that medical attention is necessary.

An ENT doctor can also help with the assessment of your hearing status and provide advice regarding the methods of prevention and treatment of hearing loss.

- Dr. Prashanth R Reddy
“E.N.T health - Entry for better senses”.

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