Head and neck-related problems

The head is the uppermost section of the body, connected to the trunk via the neck. It serves as the control and communication hub as well as the body's "loading dock." The neck, like the head, contains various critical organs and structures, including the larynx, thyroid, parathyroid glands, trachea, and esophagus.

What is a Migraine?

Headache is one of the most common complaints among patients. It can be due to several causes, the most important being Migraine

A migraine is a type of neurological headache that can cause severe pain. Neck pain may be the most common migraine symptom, beginning at the same time as the headache. In order to be diagnosed with migraine disease, patients must have had at least 5 headache attacks that lasted 4–72 hours. It can be associated with auditory or visual auras (hallucinations)

Migraine is usually triggered by stress, lack of sleep, lack of food, etc. Sometimes, neck pain can also mimic migraines. Headaches can also be a symptom of neck injuries, cervical spondylosis, and myalgia (caused by an uncomfortable sleeping position).

What is Meningitis?

Meninges are membranes that cover the brain. Meningitis happens when an infection attacks the meninges. It could be a bacterial, viral, or fungal cause. Patients can have a bad headache and a stiff neck that makes it difficult to move the head.

Meningitis can cause other symptoms like fever, confusion, loss of consciousness, projectile vomiting, dizziness, and sensitivity to light.

How early do I see my doctor, and what are the red flags?

▪ Headache associated with fever and vomiting

▪ History of tumors

▪ Sudden loss of consciousness/ decreased sensation in any part of the body

▪ Sudden/ abrupt onset

▪ New onset headache in old age

▪ Change in pattern of headache/ positional headache;

▪ precipitated by sneezing, coughing, or exercise;

▪ painful eye

▪ Headache after accidents

▪ Headache associated with a stiff neck

You must seek emergency medical treatment if you experience any of the above symptoms.

What is vertigo?

Vertigo is the sensation of spinning one's surroundings or spinning oneself without an external source. Vertigo can be an inner ear disorder but can also be due to cervical spondylosis. It can be triggered by a fall, head injury, or brain tumor; sometimes there are unknown causes too.

Vertigo needs a detailed evaluation by an ENT doctor and treatment depends upon the cause of vertigo

Thyroid and Parathyroid swellings

Thyroid and parathyroid swellings present as a swelling in the front of the neck. It is easily noticed by the patients as swelling, but sometimes it can also present with difficulty swallowing, a change in voice, or even breathing difficulty.

A thyroid swelling can vary from a simple goiter to thyroid cancer. Hence the treatment for the same is mandatory

An ENT doctor who examines the swelling may advise an ultrasound and FNAC (needle biopsy) of the swelling. Depending on the results, a tailored treatment plan will be suggested for you. Similarly, parathyroid swelling can also have many differential diagnoses. A thorough examination and tailored treatment are needed for the same.

Salivary gland disorders

Salivary gland disorders are not uncommon in our country. There are two pairs of the parotid, one submandibular, and small minor salivary glands in us. They can be infected with a viral or bacterial infection and present as pain and swelling of the cheeks or floor of the mouth. Salivary gland disorders can be long-standing and are known as chronic sialadenitis. This in turn can lead to the destruction of a part of the gland or the whole gland itself

Salivary gland tumors ( mostly parotid gland ) are common. They can be painless, slow-growing tumors, or rapid-onset painful tumors with facial weakness.

In order to assess and treat salivary gland swelling, an ENT doctor may use an MRI, FNAC (needle biopsy), or ultrasound.

Thyroid and parathyroid swellings present as a swelling in the front of the neck. It is easily noticed by the patients as swelling, but sometimes it can also present with difficulty swallowing, a change in voice, or even breathing difficulty.

A thyroid swelling can vary from a simple goiter to thyroid cancer. Hence the treatment for the same is mandatory

An ENT doctor who examines the swelling may advise an ultrasound and FNAC (needle biopsy) of the swelling. Depending on the results, a tailored treatment plan will be suggested for you. Similarly, parathyroid swelling can also have many differential diagnoses. A thorough examination and tailored treatment are needed for the same.

Head and neck cancers:

Head and neck cancers are cancers that occur in the head and neck region. Head and neck cancers include cancers of the mouth, such as those of the nose, lip, tongue, pharynx or throat, and the larynx or voice box.

Causes and treatment of head and neck cancers:

Nasal cancers are mostly seen in old age and are common in people working in the wood industry. Oral and throat cancers are caused by tobacco, pan chewing, beetle chewing, alcohol, or a combination of all these.

Head and neck cancers usually present with difficulty swallowing, voice changes, nasal bleeding, and headaches. They are also accompanied by swelling in the neck (lymph nodes ), and difficulty moving the jaws.

An individualized approach is adopted in diagnosing and treating head and neck cancer. This involves tailoring each treatment plan to the patient’s specific needs. Our head and neck cancer program includes medical oncologists, ENT doctors, radiation oncologists, and supportive care providers, and patients here benefit from their knowledge.

- Dr. Prashanth R Reddy
“E.N.T health - ENTry for better senses”.
