Is it bad to hold back my sneeze? - FAQ

Is it okay to hold back my sneezing?

Even the tiniest Achoo can make people turn heads in these post-covid times. Earlier it used to be considered bad manners when someone sneezes out loud in a movie theater or while delivering a speech. However, when the urge starts to sneeze, should we just hold it in?

The answer is “No”. Remember it is always better to let your sneezes out instead of holding them in..Sneezing is the body's way of clearing irritants like germs, pollen or dust out of the nose and throat.

Note: According to the American Lung Association, sneezing can be pretty powerful, expelling tens of thousands of droplets from your nose at up to 100 miles per hour.

Few risks of holding in a sneeze include:

It can make your chest hurt.

It might rupture your eardrum

It could lead to an ear infection

It might burst a blood vessel in the brain

It can potentially make you uncomfortable

Violent sneezing fits have also been tied to laryngeal framework fractures

The Happiest health association had reached out to me asking what the ill effects of holding back our sneezing are? Also they asked me if we should control our sneezing..Hence, the article is being shared to create awareness among every one of the ill effects of holding back sneezing.

- Dr. Prashanth R Reddy
“E.N.T health - ENTry for better senses”.
