
What is Sinusitis?

Before we try to understand what sinusitis is, let us first understand what sinuses are. Sinuses are spaces in the bones in the front part of the face: in the forehead; between the eyes, in the cheeks; and behind the eyes, and they’re air-filled spaces with a membranous lining, and the lining produces mucus. The mucus drains from the sinuses into the nose through narrow openings and then passes backward and down to the throat. Now, if those openings get narrowed in any way, it causes sinusitis. Anything that makes the lining swell, such as infection or allergy, blocks the sinuses, and they can’t drain properly, which causes the symptoms of sinusitis.

Do you have these symptoms/ Does this bother your daily activities?

Sinusitis can last for days or weeks and have longer-lasting symptoms. It usually occurs after a cold, which causes swelling in the lining of the nose. These symptoms can have a significant effect on the quality of life

 Throbbing headache
 bad smell
 bad taste/ bad breath
 colored nasal discharge
 Runny or stuffy nose.
 Facial pain or pressure.
 Mucus dripping down the throat (post-nasal drip)
 Sore throat.
 Cough.

Important note:

The cumulative effect can have a big impact on quality of life, productivity at work, sleep quality, and relationships as well.

Know the type of sinusitis you suffer from?/ Are you aware of the type of sinusitis you have?

It basically comes in two forms, which we call acute sinusitis and chronic sinusitis, respectively. In acute sinusitis, you may suffer from a cold, which in turn leads to pain and pressure in your face, discolored mucus, and an unpleasant headache. It usually lasts for less than 4 weeks, and your doctor will put you on antibiotics; it will clear up and go away.

The other is chronic sinusitis, where the antibiotics either don’t work or the infections keep coming back despite being treated with antibiotics. In that setting, the damage to your sinuses is such that they cannot clear on their own, and the remedy is surgery, The four sinuses on each side of your eyes are approached with the help of an endoscope through the nostril. The objective of the surgery is to enlarge the openings of the sinuses that are involved so that they can drain better. A sinus that can drain properly will take care of itself after the same.

When to seek medical care/ how early to see my doctor / The red Flag sign

 High grade fever( 102°F /38.8°C)
 issues with eyesight or double vision
 redness and swelling around the eyes
 forehead swelling and neck stiffness
 confusion and excruciating headache

About Sinus rinse and its benefits:

Sinus rinses also known as Sinus flush is used by doctors in the postoperative period with a special mix of medications that will help clean the surgically opened-up sinus cavities. This procedure reduces the chances of recurrence of the sinus infection and allergies to the sinuses.

Performing a sinus rinse is a safe and simple way to clean the nose and sinuses for patients who suffer from allergies or recurrent sinus infections. There are many different devices available to rinse the nose, but they all essentially work the same. A saltwater mixture is pushed into one nostril and out the other. As the fluid moves out the nose, it washes dust, pollen, and other debris out of the nose and also helps to loosen any thick mucus in the nasal passages that may be present.

Complications of sinusitis if not treated

1. infection to the bones covering the sinus (Osteomyelitis)
2. Swelling and abscesses around the eyes
3. temporary and later permanent damage to the vision
4. Spread of infection to the Brain and later pus formation in the brain leading g to paralysis

Home remedies to practice to help you from sinusitis

 Drink plenty of water, which helps more efficient mucous drainage
 Apply a warm and cold compress
 Steam Inhalation
 Salt water gargling helps vibrate and remove the mucous
 Nasal irrigation after the doctor's advice (in the post-op time)

- Dr. Prashanth R Reddy
“E.N.T. health – ENTry for better senses”.
