Throat cancer

Throat cancer refers to cancer that develops in your throat (pharynx) or voice box (larynx).

Let us understand the anatomy of the pharynx (throat) - The pharynx, which is a hollow tube that starts behind the nose, goes down the neck, and ends at the top of the trachea and esophagus. The three parts of the pharynx are the nasopharynx, the oropharynx, and the hypopharynx.

The voice box, which sits just below your throat and is made of cartilage and contains the vocal cords that vibrate to make sound when you talk is also susceptible to cancer.

What are the types of throat cancers?

Pharyngeal cancers

● Nasopharyngeal cancer: This type affects the top part of the pharynx, in the area behind the nose.

● Oropharyngeal cancer: This type affects the back of the mouth and middle part of the pharynx. This can include the tonsils, base of the tongue, and soft palate. The Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center notes that this is the most common type of pharyngeal cancer.

● Hypopharyngeal cancer: This type affects the lower part of the pharynx.

Laryngeal cancers

● supraglottis, the area of the larynx above the vocal cords that includes the epiglottis

● glottis, the middle area of the larynx that contains the vocal cords

● subglottis, the lowest area of the larynx, extending from the vocal cords to the windpipe

The main causes of Pharyngeal and laryngeal tumors are

● Tobacco use, which includes both smoking and chewing tobacco.

● Excessive alcohol consumption.

● Human papillomavirus (HPV) and Epstein-Barr virus infections

● Food habit that is deficient in fruits and vegetables.

● Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD)

● Family history of head and neck cancer

Tobacco has nicotine, which acts as a carcinogen by initiating DNA damage to the cells. Alcohol consumption and tobacco chewing together can multiply the risk for pahryngeal and laryngeal tumors.

What are the signs and symptoms of throat cancer?

▪ Changes in your voice, such as hoarseness or not speaking clearly

▪ Pain or difficulty when swallowing

▪ Weight loss

▪ Ear pain

▪ Lump in the neck or throat

▪ Persistent sore throat or cough

Important note:

There are several different types of throat cancer and many places within the throat where cancer can develop. The symptoms and progression will depend on the type and location of the cancer.

A person with cancer in the lower part of the throat, or hypopharynx, may not have symptoms in the early stages. This can make it harder to spot.

Other conditions can cause these symptoms. A person should seek medical attention if their symptoms worsen or persist so that a serious condition can be ruled out.

What are the treatment options?

Getting an early diagnosis of throat cancer greatly increases the chance of effective treatment.

Your doctor will ask about your symptoms and carry out a physical examination. They may use a laryngoscope, which is a tube with a camera on it, to evaluate the inside of the throat.

Imaging tests, such as an endoscopy of the upper airway or a CT or MRI scan, can help the doctor confirm a diagnosis and see how far the cancer has spread.

A doctor may recommend a biopsy. This involves taking a sample of throat tissue or cells to test for cancer in a lab. A biopsy will also show what kind of cancer is present. These tests will help the doctor determine the type of cancer and the best way to treat it.

After your doctor knows the stage and grade of the cancer, they will talk to you about the treatment options.

The treatment of pharyngeal and laryngeal tumors varies. In general, early stages of laryngeal tumors can be managed with single modality treatment ( either surgery or radiotherapy ). The later stages of the tumor may need Combine approach ( Surgical removal along with post operative Chemoraditherpy )

Similarly, for pharyngeal tumors, treatment varies depending on the site of origin. In general, early stages require surgical removal and clearance of disease, while later stages may require combined modalities of treatment.

Creating awareness and ensuring early detection can reduce the morbidity and mortality of the disease.

- Dr. Prashanth R Reddy
“E.N.T. health – ENTry for better senses”.
